Saturday, December 1, 2012

Russell Allen & Jorn Lande

Two of the best singers I have heard in a long time; Russell Allen and Jorn Lande. They have made music both as solo artists, in  separate bands (Lande's Masterplan / Allen's Symphony X) or together in a band (Allen/Lande) and in supergroups (like Avantasia). 
The kind of vocals found here makes me a proud hater of all the modern shows like Idol, X Factor, Talent etc. etc. This is some real music and singing, such power and feeling is not something you hear on commercial radio these days. Awesome.

Allen/Lande - Where Have The Angels Gone (The Battle, 2005)

Allen/Lande - Master of Sorrow (The Revenge, 2007)

Russell Allen's Atomic Soul - Loosin' You (Atomic Soul, 2005)

Jorn - I Walk Alone (Spirit Black, 2009)

Allen/Lande - The Showdown (The Showdown, 2010)

Masterplan - Sail On (Masterplan, 2003)

Symphony X - When All Is Lost (Iconoclast, 2011)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ESP - Eric Singer Project

Eric Singer Project, or ESP, is the side project of KISS drummer Eric Singer. A really good band with great musicians. 
The band features Eric Singer (KISS, Alice Cooper) Bruce Kulick (ex KISS), John Corabi (ex Mötley Crue) and Chuck Garric (Alice Cooper). All members sing, but most vocal duties are handled by Corabi and Garric. The band plays almost exclusively clubs and small venues, which is a shame because they are really good. On the other hand, that makes room for great intimate concerts with a varied set. The band mostly plays covers from the members previous/recent careers and solo efforts. Here's a sample of KISS covers that they just rip into pieces. Real heavy stuff, seriously cool! 

Keep an extra look at Eric Singer (drummer) and know that he is one of the best in the business. At least when it comes to adapting different styles, the man can play anything!!


War Machine


Black Diamond

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Envy!

Really cool band from Canada! The Envy. Modern rock at its best. Great band.

Don't Let Go

You're The Sex


Moth To The Flame

Saturday, November 3, 2012

KISS Kruise II Setlists

KISS is currently cruising the Caribbean with members of the KISS Army from around the world. The Kruise was sold out with some 2,200 people on board. The ship set off from Miami as the first gig of the Kruise took place - an unplugged sail-away set of some rare songs, mostly from fan requests. 

The setlist for the first gig:
Hard Luck Woman / Christine Sixteen / Got To Choose / Goin' Blind / Love Her All I Can / Nothin' To Lose / Take Me / Any Way You Want It / A Million To One (partial) / A World Without Heroes / Only You / Comin' Home / All Hell's Breakin' Loose (partial) / Every Time I Look At You / Strutter / Sure Know Something / C'mon And Love Me / Rock Bottom / Beth / Shandi / She / Do You Love Me / Mr Speed / Shout It Out Loud /

Second Day and the first full show in the ships theatre had quite a few songs from Monster in the setlist:
Psycho Circus / Shout It Out Loud / Hell Or Hallelujah / Wall Of Sound / Hotter Than Hell / All For The Love Of Rock & Roll / I Love It Loud / Outta This World / War Machine / Long Way Down / Detroit Rock City / Calling Dr Love / Love Gun / Black Diamond / Lick It Up / Christine Sixteen / Rock And Roll All Nite / Cold Gin / Got To Choose / Nothin' To Lose / Deuce /
This is all the KISS-show that fits in the ships theatre. 
Third Day had the second show in make-up with the setlist mixed up a bit, but pretty similar to the first night:
Take Me / Psycho Circus / Shout It Out Loud / Hell Or Hallelujah / Wall Of Sound / Do You Love Me / War Machine / All For The Love Of Rock & Roll / Makin' Love / I Stole Your Love / Outta This World / She / Hotter Than Hell / I Love It Loud / Long Way Down / Magic Touch (partial) / Detroit Rock City / Strutter / Calling Dr Love / Love Gun / Black Diamond / Lick It Up / C'mon And Love Me / Rock And Roll All Nite /
Up close in such an intimate venue sure is Kool…
I thought about getting myself a ticket, but the cabins in my price range was long gone… Seems I should have gone anyway, right…?! Well, maybe I'll get inducted into the KISS Navy next year, since Paul Stanley announced a third cruise next year…

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday music from Within Temptation

Here's a couple of Sunday tunes from Within Temptation. Songs are all from their latest release The Unforgiving (2011). The band contains something as unusual as a female rock/metal singer that both looks and sounds great. Great songs and great arrangements. 
Did I mention the singer is hot? Her name is Sharon den Adel (*opening Google, select images, type sharon den adel, wipe saliva from corner of mouth*). From Holland. I'm moving there tomorrow.

Shot In The Dark



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Avantasia is really music!

Killer song, killer band, killer album, killer music. Good shit, full of great singers! Band's called Avantasia, frontman's called Tobias Sammet!

Wicked Symphony

Shelter From The Rain

The Story Ain't Over

The Scarecrow

Check out their three latest albums The Scarecrow, Wicked Symphony and Angel of Babylon...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

KISS' Monster is not perfect, which is perfect!

So… KISS' new album Monster. It's one of the better and harder albums they've released so far. Some of the classic seventies albums is untouchable, but it beats every 80's release (except Creatures) and every 90's release (except Revenge). Strong material and continuity throughout. I'd give it the grade 4/5.

Best songs is hard to choose but if you (pun intended) Got to Choose: Freak, Take Me Down Below and All For The Love of Rock & Roll.

Be sure to check out the bonus track Right Here Right Now. It should have been the closing song of the album because it's one of the better songs!

So about the album as a whole… In this blog, I don't like the modern approach with everything digitalised and perfected down to the last detail - and when it has to be so perfect that people gets replaced by computers then something is clearly wrong.

Monster was recorded on analog tape. It was played with four basic instruments (two guitars, bass, drums) by four people. P-e-o-p-l-e! The songs were recorded in the same room at the same time by the guys in three or less takes - live! The songs were not modified or enhanced afterwards, just ordinarily produced by Paul Stanley himself. The songs were written by the guys in the band only, no outside writers. All members have writing credits on the album (even the drummer!) and (not so) new member Tommy Thayer co-wrote most of the tracks.

So in summary… Monster was made and performed live by people with real instruments. KISS didn't use computers or playback, overdubbing, synths or any of that bullshit. Just pure rock & roll with heart and soul. It's not perfect, but that's just the way I like it.

The kind of music this blog is dedicated to just feels much more alive than all the digitalised, computerised crap that is out there today…

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

KISS - Monster recension

Vad? KISS nya platta Monster, den 20:e i ordningen, som släpptes 6 oktober i år.
Vem? KISS är ett av världens största och mest kända rockband med 40 år på nacken, över 100 miljoner sålda album och som definierade hur musik borde framföras live.
Fråga? Hur kan ett band med en medelålder på närmare 60 som 40-årsjubilerar med sitt 20:e studioalbum låta så hungriga?

1. Hell or Hallelujah - Öppningsspåret är en tempostark och gitarrdriven låt. Riffet påminner lite om I Stole Your Love från -77. Paul Stanley gör sången bra med tanke på att han sett 60 vårar… Ganska gött solo från Thayer dessutom. Refrängen blir lite tjatig mot slutet på låten, byter numera låt efter andra refrängen. Verserna är förövrigt riktigt bra, jag älskar raderna "...and I paid the price to have my way" samt "…time's up there's nobody asking". Paul tar de raderna så jäkla snyggt!! Dessutom är bryggan som leder upp till refrängen (/stay down/pay now/) kanon. Bra öppningslåt.
Betyg: 3,5

2. Wall of Sound - Tung andra låt med Gene på sång. Underbart riff i verserna av Tommy Thayer, sätter sig direkt. Refräng/brygga påminner lite om I'm An Animal - med den skillnaden att denna låt är bra mycket bättre. Bra gitarrer genomgående som påminner lite om Creatures-plattan, bra solo. Gene låter riktigt, riktigt bra och elak.
Betyg: 3,5

3. Freak - Tung inledning som öppnar upp sig till en riktigt svängig låt i verserna. Underbar text och budskap med riktigt bra och inspirerad sång av Paul. Refrängerna frångår den klassiska vers-refräng-vers-refräng lite grann. Älskar det lilla ekot på ordet Freak! Briljant freak-break innan solot, som också är riktigt nice! Bryggan påminner lite om Lick It Up/Animalize medans refrängen skulle kunna vara hämtat från Revenge. Ryktades om att Lady Gaga skulle komma in och gästa på denna låt, bara en sån sak…
Betyg: 4,5

4. Back to the Stone Age - klassisk kötta-rock redan från riff nummer ett. Gene fortsätter att göra riktigt bra ifrån sig på sången. Låter inspirerad och elak. Återigen ett fantastiskt riff från Thayer! Ett av Genes grymmaste spår, bättre tempo än Demonens klassiska tyngre låtar. Tankarna går åt Creatures-hållet igen. Riktigt bra!
Betyg: 4

5. Shout Mercy - Riffet känns lite mer åt 70-tal än tidigare tycker jag, gött! Paul på sång som gör det bra, men han får allt slita lite, särskilt i bryggan. Refrängen sätter sig bra, med goa uuh-uuh som "svar" på Pauls rader. Kan inte riktigt placera vad låten påminner om. Men det är en av mina mindre favoriter på skivan.
Betyg: 3

6. Long Way Down - Låten börjar med ett riktigt fint riff innan Paul drar igång sin andra låt på rad. Riffet påminner en del om Get All You Can Take från Animalize. Och han sjunger riktigt bra på denna låten, gamle Paul! Riktigt härliga verser som snyggt fasas ihop med refrängerna av svängiga bryggor. En låt med lite lägre tempo gör att Pauls röst verkligen blir i centrum. Påminner ganska mycket om 70-tal och lite om Zeppelin faktiskt. En av Pauls starkare.
Betyg: 4

7. Eat Your Heart Out - Börjar överraskande med några rader a capella (trodde först det var fel på skivan) som jag nu älskar. Kan köra raderna eat your heart out baby / won't you give me something sweet / eat your heart out baby / a hot mess is just what I need / om och om igen innan jag låter låten dra igång. När den väl tillåts köra igång möts vi av Gene som kör en 70-tals rökare. Eric Singer ligger på med ko-klockan som ger låten extra feeling. Typiska verser a'la Gene Simmons. I andra versen börjar resten av grabbarna köra hey-yeah som svar, helt underbart snyggt! Påminner lite om 80-talets Asylum period. Refrängen fastnar direkt. Genes baslir är fenomenalt. Bra sång.
Betyg: 4

8. The Devil Is Me - En tung Gene-låt till med lite lägre tempo än föregångaren. Inte lika skön som Back to the Stone Age och den saknar det där speciella riffet som i Wall of Sound. Älskar dock bryggorna som leder fram till refrängen. Riktigt bra titel dessutom för Demonen. Låter elakt och bra på sången, påminner återigen om Revenge och Creatures. Bra!
Betyg: 3,5

9. Outta This World - Tommys första och enda låt på skivan har han skrivit helt själv. Svängig och inte lika tung som tidigare låtar, med lite ko-klocka från Eric. Verserna är skönt spejsade, med ett klassiskt rockriff. Låtens starkaste kort är dock refrängen som är fenomenal och gör låten till en av skivans troligaste "hits". Refrängen sätter sig som klister och Tommy sjunger riktigt bra och äntligen är (den anklagade) Ace-kopian borttvättad. Han sjunger bättre och kan uppenbarligen skriva lika bra låtar! Riktigt snyggt gitarrarbete som höjer låten genomgående. Fett Tommy!
Betyg: 4,5

10. All For The Love Of Rock & Roll - Eric Singers låt påminner starkast om sjuttiotalet. Skulle kunna platsat på Rock and Roll Over. Riffet låter lite grann som Mr Speed. Också den låt som sticker ut mest på plattan musikmässigt. Eric Singer är verkligen en underskattad, underbetald och underbar "singer"!! Älskar bryggorna med textraderna I didn't care about the fame or the money / show me a place to play and I'm gonna go/ respektive That's when you notice there's a ring on her finger / that's when she tells you that she's single tonight/. Eric Singer tar mer plats nu på senare år i konserterna och borde få ännu mer utrymme att glänsa när Paul och Gene inte alltid är i form live längre. Grym låt, grym Singer!
Betyg: 4,5

11. Take Me Down Below - Jag antar att detta är plattans tänkta "hit" med en smällfet refräng och kraftigt sexuellt anspelande text. Gene och Paul delar dessutom på sången i låten, bara det! Gene's bas mullrar på riktigt fett genom hela låten och ger låten lite mer tyngd än om det varit en ren "Paul-låt". Riktigt rolig text när man ser den framför sig, känns klassiskt KISS! Refrängen sen då, ja jösses! Det var länge sen jag hörde en sån fet refräng (refrängen efter tredje versen kan nog slå allt). Den får till och med Sonic Boom's Say Yeah att blekna. Fastnar direkt och det är inte helt oväntat att denna låt har den starkaste refrängen. Farligt nära en femma. Äh, vafan. Den får en femma.
Betyg: 5

12. Last Chance - Paul får avsluta skivan. Det enda jag reagerar på är att en av hans svagare låtar ligger sist. Titeln gör det dock logiskt. Tung bas av Gene, skönt riff av Tommy. Paul får kämpa lite med sången låter det som, och refrängen är inte den starkaste på skivan. Men en bra, tung avslutning. Härligt solo, och Eric pumpar på fint på trummorna. Låten tar sig mot slutet tycker jag, och det känns som en låt som kan växa med tiden! I dagsläget dock en trea.
Betyg: 3

(13. Right Here Right Now) - Bonuslåten som jag inte har hört i sin helhet ännu. Har endast hört dryga minuten av iTunes preview, vilket inte sa särskilt mycket om låten som helhet. Låten verkar ha ett gött sväng med skönt flow i sången. Ännu en grym brygga som leder fram till refrängen, som i sig låter mäktig och "stor". Känns som att denna låten borde fått plats som avslutningsspår på den ordinarie plattan!

Totalbetyget blir en fyra av fem möjliga: En av KISS mest genomgående jämna platta, inga direkt svaga spår utan bra kontinuitet. Det som saknas är den där riktiga hitlåten (som till exempel låten Psycho Circus på en i övrigt ojämn skiva). Med en sådan låt hade femman varit farligt nära!

PS. Sorry, english readers… :-)

Friday, October 5, 2012

KISS "Monster" - First session

The new KISS album "Monster" was released today in Sweden.

Haven't got my 3D CD yet (need to have all the cd's in the collection), but it's out on Spotify and iTunes. After the first listening session (expensive earphones cranked up LOUD) with 100% focus I've got some thoughts…

*Favorite 3 songs after the first session would probably be Freak, Eat Your Heart Out and Take Me Down Below

*Monster is better than Sonic Boom (SB was great, so that says something)

*The album is one of the more hard rocking albums to date (probably closest to Creatures and Revenge)

*I'm sure the album will grow on me

*KISS has 4 great singers

*I want to hear the bonus song Right Here, Right Now - yep, that's correct - right here and right now!!

I will do a more extensive post when I've heard the album a couple of more times…

Monday, October 1, 2012


Here's another band worth listening to! American pop/rock/country music. A bit under the "popular-radar" which is often a good sign. Needtobreathe!

NeedToBreathe was discovered by the mainstream people opening up for Taylor Swift (!) on her latest tour of the US. Great, young band with tons of talent in songwriting. Feelgood music that works as well around the campfire on an acoustic as it does cranked up in your headphones in the gym.

Their latest album came out a couple of years ago, titled The Outsiders.

Some great songs are: The Outsiders, Something Beautiful, These Hard Times, More Time, Won't Turn Back.

And don't forget to check out this video, totally awesome…

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sister Hazel - Hold On

Great song I've been listening to this week driving home from work. Chill out, melody, acoustic, sing-a-long. It's got it all…

Band's called Sister Hazel, an american pop/rock/country band. A couple of great songs worth mentioning is Your Mistake, Where Do You Go, Your Winter and Stay Awhile.

Hold On is taken from the live album Before the Amplifiers. All acoustic set with some of their best material. Most of the songs are way better than the studio version. Like this one...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sabaton - Carolus Rex

Swedish heavy metal band Sabaton released the album Carolus Rex earlier this year. The band was so happy with the material they decided to release two versions of the record - one with english lyrics and one with swedish lyrics.

The album is a concept album about the 'War of 30 Years' in the 18th century. The band hired a history expert to get the facts for the lyrics right. The result? One of their best albums to date.

The best song: A Lifetime Of War / En Livstid I Krig
I prefer the swedish version because the lyrics makes more sense for me, being swedish and all… The song is actually a very sad song about leaving your family to go to war, not knowing if you are going to return or not.

Swedish lyrics.

English lyrics.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Matchbox 20 single and album

On Tuesday Matchbox 20 will release a new album. One of my favorite bands when it comes to "chill out" music. A lot of feelgood in the music, talented songwriting and it works with the ladies!

Rob Thomas is the main man of the band, he does most of the songwriting, arranging etc. Talented guy! New album is called North and the first single off the album is She's So Mean. 

A cool song, catchy riff and a chorus that sticks with you. Nice drums and guitar. Singing is great as usual and lyrics from an entirely different league than what you get on popular radio these days (Call me maybe, anyone??)

Be sure to check out Matchbox 20 and their VH1 Storytellers episode on Youtube. Great stories and the live music is just fantastic.

Look out for the following songs: Bent / 3 AM / Unwell / Push / If You're Gone / Could I Be You /

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sounds of a Playground Fading

Time for some metal! In Flames is probably the most successful among swedish metal bands. Their tenth studio album Sounds of a Playground Fading was released in 2011 and has become my favorite album of the group. More melodic, less hysteric drums, bigger focus on the singer. Some of the bands coolest guitar licks and great singing can be found on this album.

Deliver Us quickly became a live favorite. The Attic is a strange song about a guy building a strange machine, cool!
Best tracks: Deliver Us / Where The Dead Ships Dwell / Ropes / Fear Is The Weakness / Sounds Of A Playground Fading /

In Flames is also one of the hottest live acts in metal for the past years, and certainly the hottest metal act in Sweden. A band that's almost better live than in the studio, much thanks to a dedicated crowd.

Also check out: Only For the Weak / Come Clarity / Cloud Connected / Trigger / Reflect the Storm / Alias /

Monday, August 27, 2012

Real music of the week

This weeks hottest music in my opinion. A couple of bands and songs that I'll listen to this week, and you should too! This weeks bands ranges from 80's pop/rock through modern hard rock to melodic metal.

Marshall Crenshaw
Just discovered this guy, a forgotten singer/songwriter from the late 80's. Catchy pop/rock tunes with a little twist. Check out the best-of album This Is Easy: The Best of Marshall Crenshaw.

Best tracks: Someday, Someway / Cynical Girl / Little Wild One / Someplace Where Love Can't Find Me /

The Treatment - This Might Hurt
A new, straight ahead hard rock band currently opening for KISS and Motley Crue. Their first full length album This Might Hurt contains a bunch of cool songs! Also check out the EP Then and Again.

Best tracks: The Doctor / Road Rocket / Just Tell Me Why / Evil Woman /

Within Temptation - Black Symphony
Dutch melodic metal band with a couple of albums to lean on released a live album called Black Symphony in 2008. This album will be spinning in my iPod this week. Great singer in Sharon den Adel and hard metal tracks mixed with nice ballads.

Best tracks: Ice Queen / Jillian (I'd Give My Heart) / Angels / Deceiver Of Fools / Frozen

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why KISS is the Greatest Band in the World

There are few bands out there today that has filled stadiums and arenas around the world for close to 40 years, with album sales exceeding 100 million units and that are recognized by several generations. And for some reason bands that fulfill the above mentioned criteria tends to play real music...

One band that has done exactly that is the american rock band KISS. They are one of the most recognizable, if not the most recognizable, band in the world and has been for almost 40 years. Bassist Gene Simmons once stated that you can go basically anywhere in the world, show a picture of KISS in make-up and people will be able to tell you: that's KISS. Try it!

KISS is my favorite band of all time, and this first post will be dedicated to the reasons why:

1. Endurance
KISS was formed in 1973 in New York and quickly rose to fame around the world. In 1975 they were the hottest band in america and by 1977-78 they were the biggest band in the world. The band had its ups and downs during the 80's, but never stopped touring or releasing music. Today, almost 40 years later they are still one of the biggest music attractions on the live music scene. They have done world tour after world tour and still draws massive crowds around the world. Right now, doing a well attended tour of the US (called THE Tour) with Motley Crue as opening act.

2. Album sales
KISS has not sold the most albums in the world, far from it. But they have the most certified gold records in America (1 gold record = 500,000 copies sold in US). Many bands have one or two records that sell unbelievable numbers and then ten more records that nobody ever heard of. KISS has released 20 studio albums (plus four official solo albums) and four live albums.  All of them (except two) has gone gold in the US, more than half of them has reached platinum status (1,000,000 copies sold in the US) or more. Worldwide album sales exceed 100,000,000 copies. Consistency is the word I believe…

3. Touring and live experience
KISS has toured constantly since they first formed. Almost every album has been followed by a tour, and almost every year has seen KISS on the road. They understood early on that you have to tour to make money and not rely on album sales alone. KISS is world famous for their live shows, that are often seen as the best stage shows in the world. KISS is putting money back in the show to give the crowd more than music, they create an experience, an event. From the make-up to the stage outfits to the pyro to the lighting - everything is planned and executed perfectly. KISS understands that you have to work hard and give all to please your audience. And on top of that all members in the band sing - how many bands do that?!

KISS live, how the big boys do it.
4. Influence
KISS is one of the most influential bands in the world. Influence in the sense that others pick up instruments and plays music. KISS has always been a band liked by teenagers and kids, and after seeing KISS in a young age with all the spectacle and mystery millions of young kids started playing in the 70's. Many of them are rockstars today and mentions KISS as a very big influence. Same thing has happened for generations as it did for me. My father listened to KISS, showed me an album cover when I was around 6 years old and I was stuck. Didn't even have to hear the music. That's the power of KISS influence…

5. Hits
With a career spanning 40 years there has to be some hits. And there is. Detroit Rock City is considered one of the best hard rock songs of all time. Heaven's on Fire is a huge rock song around the world. I Was Made For Lovin You - who haven't heard that one?! And Rock and Roll All Nite, the rock and roll national anthem of the world? Shout It Out Loud, Strutter, Lick It Up, Forever, God of Thunder, Black Diamond, Beth, Love Gun, Sure Know Something, Shock Me, God Gave Rock and Roll To You… There are hits from every period of the band; again, consistency. Check out the playlist KISS Mixtape to the left of this page for more real music!

6. Critical (lack of) acclaim
KISS has never been a band for the music critics. And the fans have never really cared, nor have the band. Even though critics spat on KISS from day one the band kept on rolling, growing and eventually turning into an iconic band that has lasted through generations. I have never seen a review in a Swedish newspaper (from 1976 to 2011) giving a KISS concert more than 3/5 as a grade. And still people around the world say they put on the best show out there. The music has always been too simple, too loud, too meaningless and too bad to pay attention to. But still KISS have more gold records than any other american band. Despite critics trying to bring KISS to their knees, they stand up to kick the critics in the face with their platform boots.

7. Fan base
KISS has always had loyal fans. Other bands have been heard wishing they had fans like KISS. Fans  buy the records, go to the concerts, arrange expos, marches, cruises, meetings, put on the makeup on Halloween, defend the band against critics and other fans, fight for the band, marry in makeup, collect merchandise, create comic books, protest against the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for not inducting KISS, getting tattoos of their faces and signatures and so on. They pay a members fee to be inducted into the official fan club. A fan club that is known as the KISS Army, with numbers in the millions around the world.

8. Respecting their fans
KISS is often quoted saying: we are doing it for the fans, we are here because of the fans, we are giving back to the fans, we have to give the fans their moneys worth. And KISS really does. I have never seen a band with as much dedication to their fans, and the same dedication back from the fans as KISS. They put the money back in the show, work their asses of on stage, taking two hours every day to put on makeup and show up on time to give us an experience. They arrange meet & greets, sign autographs and just not being assholes (like Axl Rose, the biggest douche in rock). Respect the fans and the fans will respect you.

9. Paul Stanley
Paul Stanley is the heart of KISS, along with co-founder Gene Simmons, who has always been in the band. Paul is the one with the most talent, Gene is the one that likes to be seen and heard the most. Paul Stanley has always been a force in the band. During the 80's Gene strayed to be a Hollywood actor, but Paul kept the ship floating. Most of KISS' hits was written and sung by Stanley. He is an amazing performer that always gives 100% on stage. He is one of the best frontmen in music history and perfected stage banter in the 70's. He is a very underrated singer, songwriter and guitarist. Up until recent years (around 2006 Paul sadly started losing his voice and has not recovered) he was one of the best singers in rock music. During his best times he was probably second only to Freddie Mercury… Paul is the leading man behind the makeup, the famous logo, stage outfits, stage show, photo shoots and almost every artistic and business thing about the band. He has produced multiple KISS albums. As a bonus he was cast as the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and sells art for millions of dollars every year.

10. Marketing and business masters
KISS has always had a business point of view to things. That's probably why they are so successful. They understand that work has to be done to get anywhere, and even more work is needed to stay there once you get there. The make-up, to the outfits, album covers, photo shoots, live shows and everything about the band made them larger than life. For ten years nobody knew what KISS looked like without the makeup, imagine what a bomb when they took it off in 1983. MTV ranks that as the second biggest happening in its history, second only to the birth of the channel. The makeup and hard work on the KISS brand has made them all to millionaires. The work with the brand and brand loyalty (from fans) has resulted in a huge market for merchandise, albums and live shows. A lot of modern day theories used in successful companies has been perfected and adjusted to the music business by KISS for close to 40 years. Gene Simmons once said that if you want to buy the KISS brand, you'd have to pay over a billion dollars. Famous swedish songwriter Andreas Carlsson once said: the way music is packaged and sold today, KISS did 30 years ago.

There is so much more to be said about KISS. They understand that the music business is actually a business, that a band can be turned into a brand and that a brand can live forever. Or at least long after the original members are gone. Can any other band continue without its original members?
AC/DC without Angus? No. Iron Maiden without Steve Harris? No. U2 without Bono? No. Rolling Stones without Mick Jagger? No.

KISS without Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons? Sure, why not?

(Listen to KISS' new single Hell or Hallelujah on Itunes or Spotify!!)

Monday, July 16, 2012